Why Choose Landin Business Solutions?
We are dedicated to your unique tax preparation needs.
We can’t wait to serve you at Landin Business Solutions.
We are trained professionals who maintain our certification with consistent seminars to ensure we are current with all the newest information, laws, regulations, and techniques in the field.
We provide the best service
For you and your financial needs
identity Theft Protection
Does much more than monitor credit – offers a solution as robust as the ones used by the nation’s leading…
Individual & Business Tax Preparation
We stay up-to-date on all the regulatory and legislative developments so you don’t waste time and energy trying to make sense of all the accounting complexities. Contact us today and see how we can help you.
Offers more services & benefits for both the taxpayer and tax professional than any other audit assistance company.
Corporate Taxes
(S-CorP & LLC)
Small Business Tax Returns
HAve a question?
We Can’t Wait to Answer Your Questions!
LBS charges a tax accounting service for business accounting services to include tax return submission to lender tax accountant income letters income statements wages calculation overall financial assessments this fee will be invoiced and required to to be paid before application is submitted.